Saturday 7 May 2011

Her Royal Hotness will be next to wed... as long as she doesn't run off with Flirty Harry first!

'Very close': Pippa Middleton last month in the arms of her 30-year-old City broker boyfriend Alex Loudon

'Very close': Pippa Middleton last month in the arms of her 30-year-old City broker boyfriend Alex Loudon

It was the day Royal Maid of Honour Pippa Middleton dazzled the world in a dress that left very little to the imagination . . . but it emerged that she may have kept something secret after all.

For it seems that Carole and Michael’s second daughter is engaged in all but name to her City broker boyfriend Alex Loudon.

The couple have stayed silent about the future of their relationship for fear of detracting attention from William and Kate.

If rumours of an official announcement later this year are true, they will cause widespread disappointment, for it seems that in the wake of ‘That Dress’, Pippa could have her pick of suitors.

The sensational fluid white column made by Sarah Burton at Alexander McQueen was an unusual choice both for its bridal colour and its curve-enhancing cling.

In an act of sisterly generosity, Kate must have sanctioned it in the full knowledge that it would showcase Pippa’s fabulous figure, deep tan and glossy hair to perfection on the world stage.

That it did. The second she stepped out on to the red carpet outside Westminster Abbey, shepherding Kate’s four young bridesmaids and two pageboys, a new global media star – Her Royal Hotness, as Pippa was instantly nicknamed – was born.

She trod a carefully calculated line between sheer class and risque sex appeal – and brought a nation’s men to their knees.

The Duke of Edinburgh and Prince Harry, who flirtatiously walked her arm-in-arm back down the aisle after the wedding ceremony, were two of her most immediate admirers in the Abbey. Outside, her appearance ignited the blogosphere and almost led to the crash of Twitter. In America and Australia too, Pippa was declared a knockout.

Loo-roll bride: Pippa Middleton joins in hen party high jinx in a wedding dress fashioned out of toilet paper

Loo-roll bride: Pippa Middleton joins in dinner party high jinx wearing a wedding dress she'd fashioned out of toilet paper

Those in the Abbey who watched her arrival thought just one thing – that Pippa looked smoking-hot in what was probably the kind of dress Kate would have chosen if she had been a Bucklebury bride and not marrying into the House of Windsor.

But the revelation of the day was not just what a wonderful rear view Pippa offers – her bottom now has its own internet appreciation society, which already had 54,000 members last night – it was her polish, her self-possession, her grace and her diligence towards her sister.

Just as the fraternal bonds between William and Harry were plain to see, the Middleton girls seemed to have a powerful, loving link, with Pippa the best supporting actress in her sister’s romantic drama.

Harry and Pippa
Catching Harry's eye
Catching Harry's eye

Catching Harry's eye: Pippa and the Prince on the Palace balcony. He had already walked arm-in-arm with her down the Abbey aisle

We are amused
We are amused

We are amused: Pippa pulls a face as a beaming Harry makes a wisecrack

Much has been written about Kate, already the subject of several biographies, but what do we know of Pippa? Philippa Charlotte Middleton is Carole and Michael Middleton’s second daughter (she is 27 to Kate’s 29) and their middle child. She was not even at school when her parents founded their company, Party Pieces, on which they would build the family’s financial and social success.

She lived the first ten years of her life in a four-bedroom Victorian villa in Bradfield Southend, Berkshire, before the family moved in 1995 to the mansion where they remain today, two miles away in the village of Bucklebury.

Like her sister, Pippa attended Marlborough College in Wiltshire before following in her footsteps to a Scottish university. But while Kate chose St Andrews, where she met her Prince, Pippa selected the party town of Edinburgh.

Pippa with Alex on Bond Street where tailors Ede and Ravenscroft was closed to the public while he was fitted for his suit for the wedding

Pippa with Alex on Bond Street where tailors Ede and Ravenscroft was closed to the public while he was fitted for his suit for the wedding

She studied English Literature but it would also be fair to say she learned the art of social climbing, aligning herself with ‘the Castle Crew’, the scions of families with land and stately homes.

She shared a home with Lord Edward Innes-Ker, a son of the Duke of Roxburgh (Floors Castle in the Borders), and Earl Percy, heir to the Duke of Northumberland (Alnwick Castle in Northumberland).

A fellow undergraduate summed her up thus: ‘Pippa arrived knowing no one and made it her business to leave knowing everyone.’ A prime example is her surprising friendship with Prince Harry’s on-off girlfriend Chelsy Davy. Said a source: ‘They are very good friends and when Chelsy is in London, they often go out together. They are much closer than Chelsy and Kate.

‘At the beginning it used to upset Kate – she felt left out. But at heart Pippa is a party girl and she likesto have fun, so she and Chelsy had some really good nights out together, which Chelsy and Kate have never actually done.’

After graduation, Pippa carved a career that would combine the two significant interests in her life – ¬partying and networking. She went to work for events planner Table Talk, where her ferocious organis¬ational skills and attention to detail combined with her bulging contacts book quickly elevated her to the capital’s A-list.

In 2008 she was named Number One Society Singleton by Tatler magazine, ahead of models, actresses, rock stars and heiresses. She even eclipsed her new brother-in-law’s cousin Princess Eugenie.

But her single status was merely a pause between well-heeled and well-connected boyfriends. They include Jonathan ‘JJ’ Jardine Paterson, an heir to the Hong Kong Jardine Matheson fortune, Scottish aristocrat Billy More Nesbitt and diamond heir Simon Youngman.

A year ago she began dating Alex Loudon, 30, who, crucially, has been a friend of Prince William since Eton. His growing importance in her life was underlined when it was revealed that he had attended Kate’s confirmation service just weeks before her wedding and by his presence in the front row of the Middletons’ family seats at the Abbey.

A friend revealed: ‘Pippa has been busy planning her sister’s wedding so she and Alex are biding their time. But they are very close and may well be the next couple to make an announcement once Royal Wedding fever has died down.

‘They have been virtually living together in London, and Pippa is a regular visitor to his family’s stately home in Kent, Olantigh Towers. Alex can’t see himself spending his future with anyone else and Pippa, although very picky, thinks Alex ticks all the right boxes – he has the family pile in the country, a smart job in London and he is very handsome.’

He must have been the envy of many as a million watched Pippa’s carriage ride and balcony appearance in her show-stopping frock and two billion more viewed her on television. The bias-cut satin column skimmed her lissom frame, the cowl neck giving a hint of decolletage and slim fit across her bottom accentuating what is now considered by legions of fans to be her best feature. She wore lily-of-the-valley in her hair and ¬floral diamond earrings, a wedding gift commissioned by her parents.

Without the talents of Sarah Burton – and the subtle corsetry and invisible underpinnings required for modesty – and her own sense of style, the dress could have been a designer disaster. But instead, it was a triumph. At no stage did Pippa upstage the bride, but she certainly looked as though she was on the same team.

The question must be: What can she do to trump it? Will she indeed settle for married life and a career as a party planner now she has emerged as half of the world’s best-known sister act?

She could learn a lesson from one of the other great dynastic marriages of modern history, that of Jacqueline Bouvier to John F. Kennedy in Rhode Island in 1953. Then Jackie’s younger sister Lee Radziwill – the glamorous party girl to her sister’s more demure and aloof first lady – was the much discussed matron of honour. Their sisterly dynamic generated the same kind of comment as Kate and Pippa’s today, and from it Lee went on to ¬construct a public profile, a career and a grand fortune.

While Pippa is far too classy to cash in, she is surely on the cusp of a kind of greatness of her own, albeit one begun by association. And just like her magnificent sister, she has proved beyond doubt that a girl doesn’t need blue blood to be a natural aristocrat.

Prince Harry's cheeky charm that kept everyone smiling on the big day

He looked like a man who’d enjoyed himself just a little too much the night before. His copper-coloured hair was sticking out in all directions, his weary face betrayed the telltale signs of a late night and a surfeit of champagne.

But in spite of all that – or, in part, because of it – Prince Harry was a joy to behold on Friday.

Without overstepping the mark, he managed to deliver just enough of his trademark cheeky charm to add a youthful sparkle to the day.

Harry was a godsend for William, distracting him from his anxiety by chatting away as they waited for Kate at the Abbey. Seeing the pair’s easy manner left no doubt that they are fantastic friends as well as brothers.

Without overstepping the mark, he managed to deliver just enough of his trademark cheeky charm to add a youthful sparkle to the day

Without overstepping the mark, he managed to deliver just enough of his trademark cheeky charm to add a youthful sparkle to the day

It was Harry who spied the bride first and, touchingly, told his brother: ‘Right, she is here now.’ If William was nervous, a look at Harry’s mischievous grin must have provided immense reassurance.

Harry’s walk with Pippa down the aisle after the service was one of the most entertaining parts of the day.

His whispers and her unsuccessful attempts to stop giggling prompted a deluge of tweets, text messages and Facebook updates, all speculating at what stage in the evening reception he would make a pass at her.

And it was easy to guess who was responsible for the impromptu appearance on The Mall of the happy couple in Prince Charles’s Aston Martin after their wedding breakfast. Harry had earlier sneaked into the garage to decorate the open-top car. Amid the pomp and ceremony, the balloon-festooned convertible, with its number plate of JU5T WED, thrilled the crowds, who must have thought the entertainment had finished for the day.

The Prince we saw at the wedding had come a long way from the boy dubbed a ‘wild child’ in his younger days, after being caught smoking cannabis and drinking at 17.

There followed serious lapses of judgment – wearing a swastika armband at a fancy-dress party and his referring to a fellow cadet as ‘our little Paki friend’ seemed to suggest he was turning into an over-privileged, insensitive Hooray Henry – yet another Royal embarrassment. But in recent years, he has calmed down

His time at Sandhurst, his Army career – including a stint in Afghanistan – and his long-term relationship with Chelsy Davy have curbed his excesses. Even the disappointment of being pulled out of Afghanistan after the media blackout protecting him was blown helped him accept that there is no escaping his role in ‘The Firm’.

But one thing’s for certain: Harry is not going to abandon his role as the joker any time soon – and nor would we wish him to.

'It's not a life for me: Why Chelsy will NEVER marry Harry


Chalsy may have been back with him for the big day, but there's no wedding on the horizon for them

Chalsy may have been back with him for the big day, but there's no wedding on the horizon for them

Chelsy Davy may have been back with Prince Harry for the big day – but there is no Royal Wedding on the horizon for them.

Zimbabwean-born Chelsy, 26, returned to the UK from South Africa for the wedding and is said to be giving her on-off relationship with Harry another chance. But she has told friends: ‘There’s no way we are getting married. It’s not a life for me.’

Prince Harry invited Chelsy to the wedding as his ‘plus one’, and he has told friends he wants to make their five-year relationship work.

But she is putting her job first – she starts work as a trainee solicitor at London law firm Allen & Overy in September. A friend says: ‘Chelsy and Harry are back together and it was very significant that she was his plus one for the day.

‘Harry adores Chelsy and really wants things to work. He has brought up marriage in the past – usually when he’s drunk – but Chelsy’s the one to quickly play it all down.

‘She has watched what Kate has gone through and how much she has had to sacrifice, and says it’s not for her.

‘Chelsy thought the wedding was wonderful and she had a ball, but there’s no way marriage is on the cards for her. She wants her freedom and to start a career. That’s her focus at the moment, she and Harry are going to see how things go.’

Chelsy was invited to Friday’s wedding reception, wedding breakfast and even¬ing dinner where she was seated at the top table with Prince Harry.

At the all-night disco at Buckingham Palace, she and the Prince spent much of the night dancing together. When they finally left at three in the morning, Chelsy accompanied Harry to the Goring Hotel to continue the party.

‘They were all over each other and Harry went back to Chelsy’s flat before sneaking out and going home. They were very much an item, but who knows what will happen now,’ says a source. ‘They have a very turbulent relationship.’

While Chelsy prepares to start work, Prince Harry has another eight months at RAF Wattisham in Suffolk, where he is training to be an Apache helicopter pilot.

‘Harry’s got to get his head down so he completes his training but he is much happier with Chelsy moving back to London,’ the source said. ‘She wants to make it work – she has missed Haz – but the truth is she really doesn’t like the attention that comes with dating a prince.’

The wedding was the first Royal ceremony to be recorded digitally, with the official audio version available to be downloaded online within an hour of the event’s end. Kate wanted the soundtrack to her big day to be available to the public worldwide via sites such as iTunes. The official Royal Wedding CD will be available on Wednesday.

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