Saturday 7 May 2011

Middletons go home ... £250,000 poorer: Family’s huge bill for hotel, banquets, outfits and jewellery

After a long day and night of celebrating, the Middletons finally emerged from the five-star Goring Hotel yesterday... perhaps thinking: ‘And about time, too.’

As speculation intensifies over the family’s wealth, inquiries have revealed that the wedding has cost them at least £250,000.

The bill for the exclusive hire of the 71-room hotel near Buckingham Palace is estimated at £85,000 alone. The Royal Suite, where Kate spent her last nights as a single woman is so exclusive, it has not been officially priced.

All smiles: Pippa, in jeans showing off the figure that has won her fans on Facebook, leads her mother Carole, brother James and father Michael out of the Goring Hotel yesterday

All smiles: Pippa, in jeans showing off the figure that has won her fans on Facebook, leads her mother Carole, brother James and father Michael out of the Goring Hotel yesterday

Rear of the Year? It's already in the bag: Pippa says a final farewell before starting the journey home

Rear of the Year? It's already in the bag: Pippa says a final farewell before starting the journey home

But the 200-strong crowd that cheered the family outside the hotel did not detect any regrets as they headed for their chauffeur-driven car, waving and smiling.

Pippa, 27 – carrying a bag and wearing skin-tight white jeans that accentuated the derriere that has inspired many Facebook tribute sites – led out her parents Carole and Michael and younger brother James, 23.

They emerged two hours after the last of their friends and relatives had left the hotel following a bash attended by Prince Harry and his on-off girlfriend Chelsy Davy. The pair arrived after William and Kate’s party at Buckingham Palace ended early yesterday.

The Middletons’ two-day block booking of The Goring, including palatial suites and a dining room designed by the Queen’s nephew David Linley, would have required a credit facility of hundreds of thousands of pounds. One night in the ‘splendid silk room’ costs £1,525, plus 20 per cent VAT.

The family is also estimated to have paid £25,000 for two parties at the hotel. On Thursday, Kate treated 120 friends and family to a buffet. And after Friday’s ceremony, Carole and Michael hosted an extravagant wedding party for a wider circle. Beluga caviar on The Goring restaurant menu is £400 for 100g while a bottle of Dom Perignon can cost £1,530.

Even if some Middleton guests paid for their rooms and the family secured a discount they will still be facing a bill approaching £100,000.

Last night the hotel said the terms of the booking were private. Kate’s bridal gown, designed by Sarah Burton, is said to have cost up to £40,000. Carole’s outfit by Catherine Walker would have cost £10,000 and Pippa’s dress, also by Sarah Burton, about £20,000.

Kate’s earrings, from Robinson Pelham, are believed to have set her parents back £15,000. A pendant and earrings for Carole, earrings for Pippa and gold tie sticks for Michael and James cost about £30,000.

The bridal shoes, designed at Alexander McQueen, and bridal flowers would have cost at least £3,000. Morning suits for Michael and James, by Gieves & Hawkes, would have cost £10,000. The Middletons would have also paid for suits and dresses for the evening, costing up to £20,000.

Pricey night: The bill for the exclusive hire of the 71-room Goring Hotel is believed to cost £85,000

Pricey night: The bill for the exclusive hire of the 71-room Goring Hotel is believed to cost £85,000

Fit for a queen: Kate¿s earrings, from Robinson Pelham, are believed to have set her parents back £15,000

Fit for a queen: Kate¿s earrings, from Robinson Pelham, are believed to have set her parents back £15,000

The family, who have an online party-planning business, may also have made a £10,000 contribution to celebrations at the Palace.

Charles will pay for the bulk of the honeymoon but the Middletons are expected to make a contribution.

The Queen is aware of the impact the wedding has had on the Middletons’ finances. The embarrassment caused by Sarah Ferguson’s financial woes is a reminder of how a cash crisis can harm the Royals’ reputation.

As the Middleton business is run as a partnership the family’s unpublished finances, including profits and losses, are shrouded in secrecy.

Chas Roy-Chowdhury, of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants, said a £250,000 figure indicates the Middletons have little trouble raising big sums.

But he added: ‘They have had enough notice between the engagement and the wedding to reschedule any debts or restructure mortgages. So while I don’t think their contribution will have impoverished them, it may have left them significantly worse off.’

There were no crowds as the Middletons returned to Bucklebury, Berkshire – just two police guards at the gate.

The most relieved man in Britain


Gathering himself: Mr Middleton prepares to enter Westminster Abbey

Gathering himself: Mr Middleton prepares to enter Westminster Abbey

There was one wobbly moment during the otherwise gloriously glitch-free Royal Wedding. It was as the bride boarded her Rolls-Royce outside the Goring Hotel for the short trip to the Abbey.

But the problem was not Kate’s. It was her father’s. Michael Middleton, the craggy featured, self-made Yorkshireman, was having trouble with his attire.

As his daughter beamed next to him looking cool as a cucumber, Michael seemed to be quivering.

Who could blame him for a slight attack of nerves on this, the biggest day of his daughter’s life? Any chap surrounded by daughters will have allowed themselves a pang of sympathy for poor old Mike.

Certainly, William is a decent enough cove and Kate is marrying into an agreeable – well, in the main – family, but good grief, the courtship has lasted ten years.

Imagine, in a family dominated by women, all those earnest, agonised conversations analysing every single aspect of the relationship.

Does he love me or doesn’t he? Will he ask me, won’t he? Why was he out clubbing with a renowned man-eater? What does it mean that he hasn’t called for two days?

And all of this speculation has been echoed in the blasted media and discussed throughout the nation. Is there no respite for a chap?

Furthermore, however much one loves one’s wife and daughters, one does not understand the true meaning of boredom until one has heard them discuss wedding arrangements. Ye gods, D-Day required less planning.

How many times, as his wife and daughters yet again debated the merits of a particular hairstyle for the wedding, or the -virtues of a certain type of lace, must Mr Middleton have inwardly sighed and slipped up to his study, poured himself a stiff drink and turned on the cricket commentary?

Of course, every father with daughters – I have five – knows this feeling of being encircled and excluded by women. But for most of those whose girl gets married, there are compensations that have not been available to Michael Middleton.

The father of the bride traditionally pays for the wedding, which at least allows a fellow some sort of say in the proceedings and a certain proprietorial sense. But Michael, who is not short of a bob or two, having done rather well in the partyware game, has been denied even this sop.

My hat: Mr Middleton loses his topper as he exits the bride's Rolls-Royce

My hat: Mr Middleton loses his topper as he exits the bride's Rolls-Royce


More than 56,000 Royal Wedding photos were filed to British papers between 7am on Friday and 7pm yesterday – a rate of 26 a minute.

The wedding was watched on terrestrial TV in Britain by 24.5 million people. That total, though impressive, is 2.1 million fewer than the number who saw Hilda Ogden’s Coronation Street exit in 1987. It was also beaten by the 27.6 million who saw Princess Anne marry in 1973.

Kate’s wedding is Britain’s eighth most-watched TV moment. Top is the 1966 World Cup Final, watched by 32.3 million.

He has made an undisclosed contribution to the cost but when the estimated total bill for your daughter’s big day is well north of £10million – which includes security and litter-clearing – perhaps it is as well to let the in-laws pick up the lion’s share of the tab.

Nor has the unfortunate fellow had any input into the way the day was run. One thousand years of history and tradition tends to outweigh the opinion of one individual chap from Bucklebury, no matter how pertinent his suggestions.

His role has, in short, been most unusual – stripped of the few patriarchal pleasures still allowed to the rest of us embattled blokes. He may have found himself reflecting on the life of Denis Thatcher. Or possibly even Jane Austen’s Mr Bennet, father of five daughters.

Proud moment: The father of the bride looks on as Prince William is joined by Kate at the altar

Proud moment: The father of the bride looks on as Prince William is joined by Kate at the altar

Ah, Mr Bennet. When Jane Austen wrote him into Pride And Prejudice, she succeeded in creating a kind of literary patron saint for dads with daughters.

He, of course, had good daughters (Jane and Elizabeth) and bad daughters (Mary, Kitty and Lydia). Lizzie was his closest confidante, whose marriage to the vastly eligible Mr Darcy, must have been a mixed fortune. But his younger daughters were dimwits or debauchees.

Happily for Michael Middleton, his own girls Kate and Pippa seem modelled from the same clay as Elizabeth and Jane.

And today Mr Middleton can allow himself a long sigh of relief. He is no longer the ever-so-slightly redundant appendage to a huge national event. He can relax and enjoy the relative quiet of a house of a free from discussions about rings, gowns and unfathomable headgear.

At least, for now...

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